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March 9th & 10th, 2025


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

1936 Emery Street,  East Troy, WI   53120  



Church & School Secretary:  Jolene Esch                                                     Rev. Dr. Timothy A. Prince, Pastor

Church & School Office Phone:  262-642-3310                                                Cell Phone: 402-217-5218

E-mail:                                                                              E-mail:

        School Principal: Betsy Clonkey                                                             Music Director: Michelle Prince

        Cell Phone:  262-722-0318                                                                               Cell Phone: 414-552-4938

        E-mail:                                                     E-mail:

Congregational Chairman:  Bill Reuter (; 262-642-2332)

Head Elder:  Jeff Hastings (;

         Personal: 262-441-2422

         Work: 765-305-2242)

Asst. Head Elder: Wayne Pett—414-254-8016


In Our Prayers:

Dave & Kim (friends of Bill and Lynda Reuter), Kathy Agenten, Dorothy Gitzlaff  (Sister in Law of Doris Gitzlaff), Jane Heckendorf, Debbie Hunt (sister of Dave Hunt), Debbie Ricke, Kris Roberts (wife of Bud Roberts, friend of Scott Rosin), Mary Semling (Russ and Dona Frank’s daughters mother-in-law), Barb Strzelecki, Debbe Swan, (daughter of Mary Reiman), Vicki Terhardt and Scott Waller for God’s continued healing.  A complete list of our members & friends who are on the prayer chain are printed in the monthly newsletter.  Email Prayer Chain Ministry:   If you would like to request a prayer, please notify the church office by email ( or by phone (642-3310). Your request will be forwarded to Diana Cook who will forward to all on the prayer chain list. If you would like to be part of the chain contact Diana at


Voters’ Meeting Good Shepherd will be conducting the 1st Quarter Voters’ meeting on Sunday, March 9th beginning at 10:30am. We will be voting on a Proposed Constitutional Amendment about the age of being sponsored to be a voting member. Copies of the Purposed Amendment can be found in the Narthex or your March Newsletter. Hope to see you there.


Newsletter Articles Just a reminder that all newsletter articles need to be turned into the office by March 15th.  Thank you!


Holy Week and Easter Pop Up Choir Come join in singing for Holy Week & Easter. The choir will sing Sunday, April 13th, Thursday, April 17th and Sunday, April 20th. Practices will be Thursdays from 7:00pm-8:00pm in the Church Sanctuary.  Practice dates will be March 13th, 20th, 27th, April 3rd, and 10th. Contact Michelle Prince at or 414-552-4938 with any questions. I pray you can come out and join us.


LWML Prayer Service at Holy Cross Lutheran Church Ladies of LWML Zone 21, the members of Cross and Crown Mission Society invite you to join us Tuesday, March 11th at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Racine for this year’s Prayer Service “ Blessed are They”, based on the beatitudes found in Matthew 5:1-12. It will be led by our LWML Zone Counselor, Pastor Lockie, and will begin at 1:00PM.


Looking Ahead If you would like to update your offering envelope statue, that is having physical envelopes or not, please contact Jolene Esch in the church office, call 262-642-3310 or email at This will help insure that we order the correct number of boxes of envelopes that the church needs. Thank you.


New Member Reception and 5th Sunday Potluck On Sunday March 30th, we will be having a 5th Sunday Potluck for EVERYONE!  We will have a signup sheet in the Narthex for members to sign up to bring something for the potluck (This is so that we do not have tons of the same delicious foods). In addition we will be having our New Member Reception during church and also during the potluck in the fellowship hall to welcome those members to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Please come to welcome and get to know our newest members as well as fellowship with all members.


Funeral Luncheon Help When there is a funeral at our church, we provide a luncheon for the family and friends. The generous donations start with phone call from a list of volunteers. If you are not on the list and would be willing to help there is a sign-up sheet on the Narthex bulletin board. There are several jobs, so it gives everyone an opportunity to help. This is a wonderful, caring service that we do for the family. Questions? Contact Jan Kayne or Sue Bieszk.


Volunteers needed to “Be a lunch monitor” for a ½hr once a week, on a rotating schedule (very easy to do). The instructions & sign-up sheet are on the bulletin board. Mary Martha Guild


2025 Altar Flower Chart is posted on the Narthex bulletin board for anyone who wishes to sign up for any occasion. With having two arrangements on the altar, two may sign up for one Sunday.  The cost for one arrangement is $25 or $50 for both. If you wish to have both arrangements, please specify this on the chart.


Seminary Student Good Shepherd sponsors a seminary student for Concordia Seminary, Daniel Brummet. There is a note from him posted on the Narthex bulletin board.  If you wish to donate toward this, there are white envelopes in a basket on the table in the Narthex, labeled “seminary student”. Just put your donation in the envelope and drop it in an offering plate or give it to one the Elders.


East Troy Food Pantry Collection There is a food collection area in the Narthex to which you may bring non-perishable foods, toiletries, and paper products whenever you come to church.  There is a list of items needed posted on the Narthex bulletin board.  Volunteers will regularly take the collected items to the East Troy Food Pantry.  It’s our way of being witnesses for Christ by sharing the blessings of God with others.


Our stewardship of worship for 3/2/2025:   86


Our stewardship of Time and Talents

Sun.    -    March 9th, 2025 The First Sunday in Lent

                 9:00am Worship with Holy Communion

                 10:30am Voters Meeting

                 10:30am Bible Experience

Tues.   -    1:00pm LWML Prayer Service at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Racine

Wed.    -    10:00 am Bible Study

                 5:00pm School Board Meeting

                 7:00pm Mid-Week Lenten Worship

Thurs.  -    7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Choir Practice

Sat      -    10:00am Board of Christian Growth Meeting

                 5:00pm Worship with Holy Communion

Sun.    -    9:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:30am Bible Experience, Adult and Youth Bible Study

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School


1936 Emery Street

East Troy, Wisconsin  53120

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